
M – Motivates you to pray
A – Affirms your feelings
T – Trustworthy with your pain


When I reflect on a story in the bible where a band of brothers carried their friend to Jesus to be made well, I can’t help but think of the circle of friends I have around me.

Luke 5:18-20 states,” Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”


I’ve learned it’s important to have girl friends you can call on when life is going well. It’s also extremely important to have those M.A.T. girlfriends when life gets tough. You know, the friends that motivate you to pray, affirm your feelings, and trustworthy with your pain.

The paraplegic in the bible story was carried on a mat up a hill to see Jesus so he could get better. I’m not a paraplegic, but I’ve definitely had my share of heartache and pain in life which left me feeling powerless, unable to move forward, and not allowing myself to feel certain emotions. You know the kind of blows in life that leave you speechless.


These blows have ranged from rejection to childhood sexual abuse. During each season of heartache, I’m blessed to have people around me that loved me enough, saw my need, and carried me to the one that will heal my wounded heart. They each served a unique purpose, and I’m thankful for each one of them.


If you’re reading this, I’m sure you can relate to situations in life that have caught you off guard. It may not be the same situation as the ones I’ve faced. However, I’m sure you have your own story of how you were dealt unexpected blows. Or, you may have just received the biggest blow of your life, and you’re currently grasping for air. I want to encourage you to keep breathing. Inhale! Exhale! I pray that you trust the one that will provide the right amount of oxygen you need to make it through your current battle.

Oh, don’t think you have to face challenges alone! Don’t think you’re the only one that’s faced your current situation. Pick up the phone, write an email, or send a text to your M.A.T. friends. Let them know your need. They’re waiting and ready to carry you to the one who can help you and heal you.

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